#Brexit #HyperNormalisation

"The rules are simple: they lie to us, we know they're lying, they know we know they're lying, but they keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them."

cc @PrivateEyeNews @JohnJCrace @OhGodWhatNowPod #Redaktionsschluss @friiyo @TiloJung
The quote is from Elena Gorokhova's A Mountain of Crumbs.

A moving story of a young Soviet girl's discovery of the hidden truths of adulthood and her country's profound political deception.
Gonna make this my new pinned tweet ... for a very long time. The previous pinned tweet was Covid: https://twitter.com/minoritybeef/status/1289993479397892096
'How unpatriotic the opposition is, asking the government questions, about No Deal.'

*checks notes: what was Brexit about, and what a democratically elected representative parliament, with an opposition, is all about*

Brexit is a national tragedy build on a chimera. The UK is about to discover that it has traded the real power to shape its destiny for an illusion drenched in nostalgia.

[Paywall] https://www.ft.com/content/f5cf57f5-0d62-4158-b67b-46b2df5c04bd
#Hypernormalisation https://twitter.com/JolyonMaugham/status/1348305977431494661
#Hypernormalisation #COVID19UK of NHS failure (cancelling life-saving surgery) via NHS big wigs Sir David Sloman & health minister @MattHancock.

This is beyond the English habitus of talking through the flower & downplaying ("concerned", "worrying").

This pandemic lays bare, every day, the inadequacies of the British state & the politicians (who have been at the helm for decades, not just this decade), and the level of widespread (in-work) poverty and insecurity they have been willingly accepted, fueled and advanced. 1/2
2/2 And 10 months into a once into a century pandemic, experts predicted will happen (& warned to prepare), the 2nd wave plays out similar to the 1st wave.

This week's highlights are #FSM, half-full schools & self-isolation support still not working.

@BBCNewsnight 12/01/2021
PS: Last week it was the fact and late realisation by the public and press, that THERE WAS NOT Plan B.

Neither from education secretary @GavinWilliamson, nor @BorisJohnson. And the cherry on the cake: sending children into school for a day to bring the virus home for lockdown.
Continuing the most important thread. Because it resides on the same plane as #COVID19UK & #ClimateCatastrophe:

What happens when the majority of a voting-age population (democracy) deceives themselves? https://twitter.com/minoritybeef/status/1357784552995971074
You can follow @minoritybeef.
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