There's something really illogical about the school = mental health link. If going to school with other children is necessary for mental health, why is home schooling legal, for instance? Friend: "The obvious answer is it depends on the kid, but then the argument collapses."
Friend: "Some parents are literally thinking 'Brianna and Brendan and Madison and Kai are going to fall behind'... Behind all the other kids falling behind at the same time."
School might well be good for some kids' mental health, but it equally may be terrible for the well-being or mental health of other kids. The generalizing is just odd.
Korea to shut its schools: new daily case numbers in the whole country of 52 million people are at 718 today, similar to the daily case rates for BC, a province of 5 million people.
People are misunderstanding the point of this thread (willfully or not). It's about mental health used as cover. If children's MH (& everyone's safety, including teachers) were really top priority, we'd have pursued Covid Zero. (And at least mandated masks in school, when open.)
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