Has anyone else (who read my Tweets) seen #BeeGeesDoc yet? What did you think? I enjoyed it. The point is to reclaim the @BeeGees deserved spot in the pantheon (and probably till the soil ahead of a Queen-style biopic). If I could change one thing about the film
it's that I wish it were more direct about why critics have resisted letting them into the pantheon. The film says (correctly) that they got caught up in the racist, homophobic disco backlash, but doesn’t dwell on how 3 white, straight men got caught in that dragnet.
The answer IMO is sexism. Music that’s “for girls” or “women” isn’t taken as seriously by critics. It’s finally changing, but it was only 6 years ago Pitchfork didn’t even review Taylor Swift’s 1989, but DID review Ryan Adam’s covers of it.
That they pop “music for women” is a big part of why The Bee Gees were ignored or trashed by a male rock industrial complex that venerated so many of their peers.
The filmmakers seem to realize this - which might be why none of the younger musicians in the movie praising the Bee Gees were women.
To get them into the rock pantheon, they need men to vouch for them. How many million women loved and never stopped loving The Bee Gees? Many. But none were interviewed.
With some exceptions, critics tend to think that the meaning and weight of music comes from the lyrics. If you think jewels and binoculars on a donkey’s neck are deep, man, but 7-note climb into the chorus How Deep Is Your Love isn’t, you’re reading but not hearing.
I enjoyed seeing Noel Gallagher in the film. I’ve long thought people comparing Oasis to the Beatles were saying it bc they were unfamiliar pre-Fever Bee Gees. Wonderwall, Champagne Supernova sound more like Bee Gees Run To Me or Lamplight than they do any Beatles song.
Some typos, but you get the point.
The first 4 Bee Gees albums (Bee Gees, Horizontal, Idea, Odessa) are fantastic and fantastically strange psychedelic pop. If this were on side 2 of the White Album, a million shitty bands would have covered it.
Their taste in string arrangements give their 1970-1974 songs a very AM Gold quality to modern ears, but replace the strings with a Marshall stack, and this song is Oasis.
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