Criticising Islam.
A more thorough criticism of Islam.
Due to my last post being rushed I thought it would be better to fix it up. Just so muslims can have an easily chance to refute.
Tawheed destroys Islam.
When you ask a Muslim what is tawheed it refers to the oneness of Allah. That Allah is one and nothing else.

So what is the problem with this idea? After all there is only One God. So why would it be a problem?
Well it comes down to the question of “what do you mean Allah is one?” Do you mean he is singular and has no multiplicity whatsoever? Because after all something can be One and Multiple simultaneously.
Now this is where muslims get confused so for their sake let’s pretend it’s just one and not multiple. Cause after all if they are accepting One and Multiple simultaneously then they have no objection against the trinity.
So no multiplicity in Allah. What does this entail? Well for starters we have to throw out the multiple attributes. They would basically just be another name for the essence with really no difference. And that is where we open up a can of worms.
We could begin by asking how would you determine Allah’s wraith from Allah’s love? We could also ask how do you designate differences between Allah is omniscient as well as Allah is omnipotent; if they both mean the essence then in reality they aren’t different.
But I’ll go more in depth of one of my favourite problems with this idea. Creator and eternal. Both refers to the essence. So the question comes down to “what did Allah create before he created anything?” Cause after all creator presupposes creation.
If you’re saying Allah is the creator, with creator being the essence, and Allah is eternal. What eternal creation exists to determine Allah is creator? If there is no eternal creation then it presupposes Allah in his essence changed, from non-Creator to Creator in his essence.
And that’s why tawheed falls apart.
Islam theology leads to atheism.
Remembering what I’ve said above regarding tawheed destroying Islam. I thought it would make sense to add a specific part which in reference shows how Islam theology leads to atheism.
So remembering that there’s no distinction in Allah. That his essence is his attributes and is his everything about him etc.
One has to question the Tanzih side of things. Cause think about it since his essence would be beyond us how would he interact with creation?
For him to make contact with creation that would mean his essence isn’t transcendent, that he isn’t beyond creation at all. And thus you don’t really have a God but rather just another creation.
With that in mind there’s no contact and with no contact there is no reason to believe in a god. So obviously one would be an atheist.
Now a Muslim could argue about angels and messengers but really this doesn’t help. God wouldn’t be able to make contact with them. If he could it would mean the angels and messengers are uncreated and thus cannot make contact with us
No matter how you slice is. Allah’s transcendence and everything being Allah’s essence means no contact with creation and thus no reason to be a theist.

One could argue for deism but I would easily argue that natural theology doesn’t confirm a creator. That would only be presume
Muhammad’s false prophethood ruins Islam.
what I am going to explain here is regarding his false prophethood. Because in reality that’s the main point of Islam. It does greatly depend on Muhammad being an actual prophet.
So that is the question and when I give my answers it would be the reason why Muhammad ruins Islam.
1. No second witness
What this refers to is the fact that he hasn’t done anything validating his prophethood. No miracles. No prophecies. Not even foretold in any prophecies. He wasn’t witness by God in front of a crowd (like Moses and Jesus) or anything.
In other words he has no evidence to his prophethood. I challenge any Muslim here to show me from the Quran, not the hadiths given the many fake hadiths that try to give him a second witness showing why one cannot trust the hadiths.
Especially given some hadiths that literally copy Jesus ministry and just replace him with Muhammad. Like feeding the thousands.
2. Contradicts previous prophets.
This is a very big one cause after all you’d expect that if he was a prophet of God then what he preaches would be in agreement with the previous prophets. It would not contradict them in any way.
But Muhammad does exactly this and there’s many verses to point too. I’ll go with three revelations that he contradicts.
a) The Son of God
Anyone who reads the Quran would notice how much it tries to deny Allah has a son. Like Surah 19:88-93, 23:91, 112:1-4.

Compare this with the prophets like David (psalm 2:7) and Solomon (Proverbs 30:4) who speaks of God’s son.
b) Jesus atonement
Anyone who’s read the Quran would notice that it denies Jesus atonement (Surah 4:157).

Compare this with the prophets like Isaiah (Isaiah 53) and David (psalm 22) who speaks of Christ’s atonement.
c) Jesus divinity
As anyone would know even without reading the Quran. It denies Jesus divinity like Surah 4:171.

Compare this with the prophets like Isaiah (Isaiah 9:6) and Jeremiah (Jeremiah 23:5-6) who speaks of Jesus divinity.
Clearly one can see muhammad is contradicting the previous prophets. How could an omniscient being send messengers with conflicting statements (even though it’s just one alleged prophet contradicting the previous prophets) only explanation is muhammad isn’t a prophet of God.
c) ended with John the Baptist
Now this is a straight forward one and quite frankly is sufficient enough to show Muhammad is not a prophet of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Jesus during his ministry said the law and the prophets ended with John (Luke 16:16). So given such information why would one accept Muhammad who came after? Would they accept Joseph Smith too?
From these three points we can easily see Muhammad is a false prophet. So coming back to the main topic at hand. Muhammad clearly is a terrible frontman to have considering Islam hinges on Muhammad being a prophet of God.
After all if he isn’t a prophet then he clearly didn’t preach Allah’s words. Thus the Quran isn’t Allah’s words. Just an average book that goes against the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
The Quran clearly wasn’t made by an omniscient being.
Now I want to limit my number of threads in regards to specific points. So for here I’ll post a link to my old thread that gives a lot more Quranic errors. While for this part I’ll bring up three examples.
just for the introduction. Anyone who’s read the Quran would notice that it clearly wasn’t written by an omniscient being. Given the many errors it contains one would have to wonder how could an Alla knowing God make such mistakes.
a) Allah does and does not forgive shirk
Surah 4:48 we read here that Allah says he does not forgive shirk but he forgives everything else. Pretty straight forward that he doesn’t forgive shirk.
But all of a sudden we read in the same chapter Surah 4:153 that Allah does what he said he doesn’t do. He forgives the Israelites of their shirk. Which brings up to question does he forgive shirk or not? He can’t make up his mind.
One common argument against this is the claim that Allah forgives before death. Only problem with this claim is that Surah 4:48 makes it clear that Allah does not forgive shirk. It doesn’t make any suggestions to suggest Allah does in some cases.
b) Jesus crucifixion.
Jesus was crucified under pontius Pilate in 33 ad Israel. Problem is 600 years later we hear from the Quran that Jesus wasn’t crucified.
Now given the amount of evidence for Jesus crucifixion one has to wonder what’s going on here? Obviously the Quran, in a bad attempt mind you, is trying to deny history.
c) a scientific error
I am adding a scientific error (even though I find it ridiculous people would try to find science in a theology book) because I’ve notice a lot of Muslims try to push scientific miracles.
So here I’m bringing up a scientific error in the Quran. In Surah we see the Quran is claiming that the sun sets on earth in a puddle of water..
One obviously doesn’t need to know much to know why that would be a scientific error. So I don’t have to say much there.
I’ll will add however the common argument I’ve heard and that is the claim it is from dhul qarnan perspective. Only problem with this claim is that Allah is the speaker, not Dhul Qarnan. Doesn’t make sense then to have his perspective.
Jesus in Islam: evil
Now this is an interesting take and it has to do with how the Quran tries to cover up Jesus crucifixion.

As we read in Surah 4:157 Jesus wasn’t crucified rather it was made to appear so. Now do muslims realise what this entails?
For starters we know the disciples believed Jesus was crucified. Jesus own disciples were tricked by Allah and Jesus even though in the Quran it is recorded they are good muslims.
So where does Jesus fit into this? Well considering the disciples went to their graves believe such things obviously means Jesus never told them that he wasn’t actually crucified.
So Jesus let his own disciples be deceived by Allah when he could have easily corrected them like apparently he would do to Christians.... funny how he would do that but not help his own disciples...
Jesus in Islam: God’s word?
Now let’s take a look at another theological side of Islam and that’s regarding Jesus being God’s word. As recorded in Surah 4:171 it is said that Jesus is His word (Allah’s word) and a spirit from Allah.
Now one might wonder what does it entail to be God’s word. And the obviously answer would be Jesus would be of the same essence as God. Cause after all God’s word exists within God and extends from God how then would he be a creation?
In fact even Muslims would admit to such an idea given their belief regarding the Quran. Since it is Allah’s word it would be of the same essence, so for example it would be eternal like Allah.
Jesus in Islam: failure
This is an interesting one. For he preach since the cradle and yet achieve no followers after he left. He had disciples and yet they believe in the corrupted message rather than from their own teacher. If that isn’t a failure then what is it?
Jesus in Islam: evil.
Now going further on the point of his own disciples believing a corrupted message over their own teacher one had to question why didn’t Jesus corrected them? If they are good Muslims as recorded in the Quran why didn’t Jesus kept them that way?
He left his own disciples to believe in a corrupted message and thus will go to hellfire and he does nothing. If that isn’t evil then I’m curios what you would call that? Some might use the example of pharaoh but there’s an obvious clear difference.
Allah: weak or liar?
Now this is an interesting point and it goes off surah 18:27 where it says none can change Allah’s words. Very simple. However muslims tell us that the gospel and Torah which Allah has revealed (and thus is Allah’s words) have been changed.
So it comes into question did Allah lie when he said none can change his words? Or did he mean it but wasn’t strong enough to prevent it? Because apparently people can in fact change Allah’s words...
To conclusion. This is just a few of many problems with Islam. My personal favourite being the theological side of Islam.

Well that’s it so to finish with an unrelated pic
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