Anon theories...

Seems like in the past 24 hours, patriots like Lin Wood, codemonkey etc. have been activated to drop the CCP intel. Soon we'll know who in our government is on the CCP payroll. It would explain a lot if some of these deadbeat judges were on the list.
After that, just a guess -- maybe some VERY compromising pictures of Biden, Obama, and the rest of the rat pack will start to circulate. Media and big tech will shut down as much as they have to in order to stop it.
After that, Emergency Broadcasts will continue the avalanche of declas until cell towers are cut off just to keep us from learning this shit. But normies will see enough to take a guess as to why troops are activated nationwide.
USMIL does its roundup, turns the power back on, and we are treated with a lengthy, professional documentary disclosing everything, yes everything. TDS is finally cured.
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