Gotta say, one of the more illuminating convos I had over the last couple years was speaking with some Parisian activists who had no fucking clue that we had such a resurgence of neo-nazi and far-right ideology after Charlottesville. They couldn't understand why we were worked up
Last night's violence may look like a blip on the radar to some folks who don't spend their days living under a pretty fucking repressive police state, where aggravated assault can get you 25 to life if you're unlucky (or not white)
But to us who have been living with this for the last 10+ (and more) years, this escalation is fucking scary. Maybe shut the fuck up if you don't know what the fuck you're talking about
Our comrades were dragged into the street and beaten senseless for opposing fascism. You wanna call them LARPers? Fuck you.
I spent fucking hours last night tracking down comrades who ended up needing to go to the hospital because they had their heads kicked in and you wanna call them LARPers because why, they're fucking trying to mobilize against homegrown American fascists? God, fuck you
Let it be fucking clear: Anyone who opposes fascism and the thugs who idolize that ideology, no matter where in the world, are fucking comrades, and I stand in solidarity with every single one of them.
Not down with that? Fuck off.

Soldarity with antifascists or fucking nothing, motherfucker
Seriously do you think we live in a fucking paradise? Activists have been shut up in fucking blacksite prisons for years for exposing vulnerabilities in government websites.
They've been beaten half to death in our prisons and thrown in solitary for YEARS for asking for better living conditions or refusing to renounce their politics.
They've been shot, stabbed, disappeared, sent to camps and deported for what? Fighting for fucking freedom. We are not the imperialists ruling this diseased plot of land and wrecking havoc on the world. We're fucking trying to fight here, too

Solidarity or nothing. God, fuck off
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