The supreme Court denied the Texas lawsuit not on the merit of the suit, but because the lawsuit was not filed under the right bill. The Supreme Court told Texas the right bill to file the lawsuit under, so the lawsuit could be heard.
The Supreme Court doesn't have the
authority under the law of the constitution to decide who our president is. The states legislatures have the authority to decide our president under the law of the constitution and them alone.
Now in these swing states that are in dispute the state governors took the authority
from the state legislatures, which is against the law of the constitution without a constitutional amendment, and certified the election results.
So in these swing states in dispute we are most likely going to see the state legislatures and the governors of these states battle
it out. Most likely going to the Supreme Court, and under constitutional law the legislatures would take back their authority to certify the results or throw the results out do to evidence of fraud.
So don't freakout Monday when every News Station is saying it's over Joe Biden
is our president, because this battle has just begun.
It's not over tell January 6th no matter what the mainstream media is telling you. We still have several paths to victory!
Another path to victory is Martial law! Now in the United States we have 3 sets of laws that govern
our nation Civil law, Criminal law, and Martial law. Civil and Criminal law are operated under Habeas Corpus with certain constitutional rights. Martial law is not governed by Habeas Corpus or the constitution, it is governed by the United States Military, and Donald Trump is the
Commander and Chief of the United States Military.
However sense we don't like dictators in this nation you can't declare Martial law on a whim. You first have to wait and give Civil and Criminal law the opportunity to bring justice. Now so fare Civil law has not heard these
cases and brought justice. Criminal law the FBI has not done it. As of now President Trump has 4 lawsuits pending in the Civil arena.
However Trump is quickly running out of time, and options with Civil and Criminal law, it looks like. So after Trump has exhausted every legal
constitutional way to have his case heard. He still has Martial law under the Constitution as a last resort to have his case heard in a Military Court.
Now if Fraud is found to be the case in this election. These people involved in this corruption will be arrested by the United
States Military, and have their assets seized by the United States Government, and tried in Military Court under a Tribunal, and they will either go to prison or if they committed Treason against their own country the penalty for Treason in America is the death penalty.
after declaring Martial law in order to gain back the trust of the American people Trump can call for a special election over seen by the United States Military.
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