THREAD: 1- One problem in conduct of many Muslims in Western countries is that they use Islam as an identity marker, to stand out, to carve a communal space and avoid assimilation, thus being part of a global cult that behaves like a cross-national, borderless nation
2- These Muslims who insist on having their religious identity trump their national (Western) identity insist that governments should allow them to practice their faith. But their faith -- if practiced to the letter -- undermines the very republic they are citizens of.
3- To keep their injustices standing, many Muslims in Western countries, such as #France, demand special treatment, especially for women, such as allowing a woman to be veiled while working as a civil servant or in the military. They say this is what #Islam stipulates.
4- In reality, if these Muslims in the West want to stick to what Islam stipulates, their women must not get out of the house, have to stay in, segregated from all alien males, and depending on men (father, brother, husband, son) as bread winners.
5- Some Muslims argue that the first wife of Prophet Muhammad was a merchant, but she was so before Islam, and we never hear of her commanding any trade trips. Islamic tradition offers no women caliphs, top generals or decision-makers as Shura.
6- A Congresswoman like Ilhan Omar is herself anathema to the stipulations of Islam (if implemented to the letter). Omar herself violates major Islam stipulation when she endorses homosexuality, which is heavily denounced in the Quran.
7- In Islam, slavery is legal. If Western governments ever allow Muslim citizens to live by Islamic code, then they'll have to allow Muslims owning slaves, taking 4 wives, marrying underage (starting puberty). Neither US nor Europe allow these stipulations, no Muslim cries foul
8- Treating Islam as a global citizenship is an interpretation that makes religion political, aka political Islam. Treating Islam as religion, spiritual experience, allows Islam to be like all other religions in Western countries -- a personal choice. Hamid, Akyol don't get this
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