for some fans who had distorted stereotype of him, I wanted to deliver more accurate version of him so you all could get to know him better. Over the years I’ve been called Solo Stan too many times and I never understood why the hell I should be called that only for stating
JK’s position, his records or sometimes simply praising him. Mostly the backlash came from many antis and solo akgaes who’d twist my narrative so tbh it didn’t bother me much since I know they weren’t in for all 7 boys to begin with. I have more than 3000 ppl I blocked for shit-
mouthing on any of the boys but when that backlash comes from our own fandom it’s a different story. This TIME issue. I UNDERSTAND JK WAS ALREADY IN THE VIDEO INTERVIEW. I know that. But his interview was the ONLY part that was not conveyed to an article which will be in printed
version as well & as OT7 I’d hope to see JK’s interview in that physical edition TOO when all other members were included. It’d then seem COMPLETE. Yes BTS acct retweeted the article & they did so to other prior articles that some ARMYs even had problem with describing us as
rabid fangirls, etc and many of you spoke up about it. When one member was missing from media coverage or prints ARMYs would all raise voice, making sure BTS is 7. Yes Surely! That’s the way it should be. So why is this time any different when JK was the only one who was omitted
in the article and his words are the only words we’ll be missing from printed edition? Why do some of you call me Solo just cause I expressed my opinion of JK and when I did that for other members, no one had a problem? As some of you conveyed disappointment in me I’m also
disappointed in you too. I just don’t get why this time was different & backlash was so harsh that some who spoke about it even put their account on rest? How do u define yourselves to be a fan of boys who talk about loving yourself and others when some of u are in the frontline
of bullying? When some of you easily accuse others and do name calling, come up with embarrassing expose threads or declare canceling? If that’s not cyber bullying and harassment I don’t know what is. I’m baffled to hear some telling me we are embarrassing the boys by speaking
up so I should just shut my mouth. After all, constructive criticism and consumer feedback is something that all media company expects and deals with so why are some of you aggressively bow down to media this time and mock those who POLITELY ask all 7 to be included in printed
version as IT SHOULD that’d reach gp? If anyone associates anything to do with JK to be a “Solo” behavior then aren’t you the weird one here? You’re the one who’s HYPOCRITE. JK is part of BTS who has your name on his knuckle. BTS is 7 & if you’re gonna be fair, be fair to all
And for the millionth time I ask everyone. Please be respectful & watch what you speak. Your nasty words can scar someone deeply. Who are you to judge? Keep sanity. Remember we are not bot but a human. If you can’t stand someone, just block and move. No need to harass or bully.
Don’t worry ARMYs I’m not going on rest. I’ve been on HIATUS since before not cause of this :) I’m too busy and taking care of my personal priorities but I’m always around ARMYs. Like I said previously I can never leave 😉 I’m here for BTS and Jungkook for as long as I can.
You can follow @JJK_Artist.
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