1./ Just how dumb are some LGBTQ+ activists? I ask since there's yet another petition against @ALLIANCELGB. Surprise, surprise the usual sheeple gay glitteratti have signed it. Even Cashman has taken a break from promoting his tedious book to pontificate.
2./ This one demands the 'UK Media' should never interview anyone from LGB Alliance unless there's a warning (and maybe a skull and crossbones flag in the corner). At least we've given them a break from remedial classes in those skills they never mastered, like tying shoelaces.👇
3./ We shouldn't mock. These are people so dumb they really do believe Sam Smith is brave for growing moobs. And luminously boundary breaking for wearing some eyeshadow. Wow, "they're" so very totally non-binary.👇
4./ They're so dumb they think it's gay progress to give an award as an "LGBT inspirational Leader' to a male bodied person who after decades as a married heterosexual won plaudits for wearing a dress and a wig two days a week (but for the rest remains a str8 bloke).👇
5./ They're so dumb they really do think that a male-bodied person who has never physically transitioned like Alex Drummond who even retains their beard (and their tackle) should be able to go into schools to tell young people they are a lesbian. Buy a razor, mate.👇
6./ It's a crowd so fragile, so unsure of its own convictions that when Boyz magazine recently suggested people might care to listen to a webinar about gender identity being discussed by 4 gay blokes they campaigned effectively to close down the magazine.👇
7./ They're so dumb they also buy into a hotch-potch of queer theory that makes no sense and actually ends up erasing their own identity as gay peeps. Here's prominent trans activist Stephen Whittle explaining that sexual orientation isn't why we're attracted to people. Mmm👇
8./ Here he is explaining that belief in 'gender identity' means when someone is attracted to David Beckham it has NOTHING to do with his body. Yep, attraction is non physical! This is weapons grade BS and gaslights gay people or indeed anyone who believes in sexual attraction.👇
9./ This would just be insane if it wasn't dangerous. This crowd is so dumb they're also outraged about the High Court judgement on puberty blockers. They seem to WANT gender non conforming kids to be medicalised despite evidence homophobia promotes it.👇 https://twitter.com/TwisterFilm/status/1279948306446245888?s=20
10./ It would perhaps be hilarious if it wasn't so tragic: a minority lining up to support policies the Iranian mullahs have pioneered. They're like turkeys demanding Christmas come early. Y'know sometimes it's tempting to leave them to it. But we can't . https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2019/04/04/why-iran-is-a-hub-for-sex-reassignment-surgery
11./ Every day we get heartfelt messages of support from men and women up and down the country that say, don't give up. Many are lesbian or gay. They daren't speak out and can't face the career-destroying wrath of the dumb fucks and the "brave" Lord Cashmans. They rely on us.
12./ Here's just one sent earlier tonight: "Massive respect to you and all the crew at LGBA. I teach in a large SEN school in London. The numbers of girls with Mental Health and autism identifying as TG is frightening. Zero lesbian or gay kids. 14 trans and NB. 1 NB boy. ....
13./ ..."All are indulged by useless therapists. Most teachers see it for what it is but a few dangerous ideologues are also here. Hence the anonymity on twitter. Praying the country peaks soon. Thank you again." Yeah, Sam Smith why don't you sing about this?"
14./ We've no option but to keep battling on, providing the evidence, calling out the BS. In our first year LGB Alliance has done what gay people should always have been doing: supported women, defended kids, stood up for facts. So keep signing sheeple. History really will judge.
15./ In the meantime we'll remember the last time the LGBTQ idiocracy boasted of its combined might, advertising in favour of gender Self-ID? 72 groups on one side, LGB Alliance a lone voice on the other. GR Reform was withdrawn, north and south of the border. Lone voice wins.👇
16./ But if you want us to keep winning for LGB people, women generally and kids then chuck us a tenner. Or MORE! Imagine how annoyed Owen Jones, Jolyon Maugham and LORD Cashman would be. Donate please and defeat the idiocracy.👇 https://donate.lgballiance.org.uk 
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