For Urbanist Twitter talking about @PeteButtigieg and DOT. Policies established with him as Mayor:

Legalized ADUs citywide
Eliminated parking minimums in 1/2 directs, reduced everywhere else
Established @SmartStreetsSB focusing on reducing pavement, increase walkablity, cycling
-Supported double tracking of South Shore urban railroad from Chicago to SB.
-Advocated for the railroad to come downtown and not got the airport.
-Established a new zoning districts to legalize missing middle housing.
This was 4 lane one way highway right through downtown now has on street parking and dedicated bike lanes.
DOT Secretary Anthony Fox awarding SB the Complete Streets Award for Overall Success: "As a former mayor, I know local leadership matters to creating a safe, seamless transportation network, and with national road deaths increasing, leadership from cities like these is critical."
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