Ok in spirit of #Nucember I will now finally explain in a thread why nu is one of my favorite characters in blazblue and attempting to persuade that she is at least not bad.
So lets start with the start of her character. Nu is the 13th prime field device, she is created as a tool from birth, only to serve the sole purpose of protecting the gate and becoming the black beast if given the opportunity, an opportunity she will very often take.
This process of being prepared to be a prime field device is excruciating painful and was nearly enough to completely break lambda as seen in lambdas story in CS, with lambda holding on to her sanity and memories for dear life while shes experimented on
Nu went on those exact same experiments, even more in fact because as we know, lambda ended up scrapped, but nu was continued to be experimented on, her eyepatch being proof of those injections and experimentations.
All throughout those immensely painful injections, the only thing nu was holding onto were her memories of ragna, and naturally that became obsession, with ragna quite literally being the only thing tying her consciousness to the world, had she not done that she wouldve broke too
She isnt just crazy cause she was made crazy, she underwent torment that any other previous subject was entirely incapable of dealing with and broke, but nu lasted, nu remained alive, she didnt go through that unscarred, obviously shed come out of it not alright
I feel like its important to compare lambda and nu for this reason. They both held their own memories and used it as a tie to this world, but lambda broke down despite it, but due to this she ended less scarred because she kept her own warm feelings of her memories of ragna
Nu is sort of a mirror of this in a way. She completely anchored herself by her feelings of ragna, her feelings of ragna becoming so strong as to become obsession with this perfect image of ragna
And this all becomes very important because once nu finally meets ragna, nu confesses all her feelings to ragna, cause nu has grown so attached to her image of ragna. Nu is then responded to by sheer violence, ragna wanting to kill nu and that is essentially what happens
This repeats AGAIN as we know by calamity trigger, nu and ragna have met the third time by calamity trigger. Nu trys again with her same approach of confessing to ragna and is once again beaten down severely by ragna. But why? This is what was tying nu to this world
Theres no way ragna could hate nu, right. So nus mentality became even more warped as her way of coping with what shes dealt with with ragna. That warped mentality made her believe hate is love, pain is how you love, after all thats all shes EVER felt in her life
This already paired with her current obsession with ragna, and her hatred of the world because of everything she has undergone also naturally made her want to become the black beast. Her and ragna get to be one forever AND she gets to destroy the world thats wronged her
She isnt trying to be crazy for no reason, she is probably one of the characters that have suffered the most throughout the blazblue story, probably more than nine, who was always a bitch
If nu wasnt so wronged by the world so many times, if nu wasnt created with the sole purpose of being a tool for the people she most hates (relius and hazama) then she likely would have ended up different, she would maybe be a slightly more obsessive but kind lambda
Thats why I dont get alot of the hate she receives just cause shes crazy for no reason, her hatred towards people is the most justified compared to anybody else in the blazblue verse. She actively has to work under those who tortured her, and they used her as tool
Digging abit farther in, into CP, Nu is used as a tool by hazama and is forced to follow his commands. By the end shes somewhat free and gets to have a heart to heart with ragna, no murder talk, she finally gets to be her own person
In that talk ragna talks about how he wants to save nu, and to nu thats completely impossible. Not only has she suffered too much and is too far gone into her mindset to be saved now, but remember, love= hate so to save nu must mean Ragna must really hate nu from her perspective
She freaks out at ragna and goes away, because remember, being saved goes against everything she knows, that ragna hating her is his own form of love, so from nus perspective, being saved is like being given up on
By CF shes finally being her own person now escaped from haz and relius. Shes finally free to pursue her love of ragna. She absorbs noxes to be strong enough for ragna
Ragna eventually comes to nu at the end of her story and once again trys to save her, and surprisingly is kind of worked, nu gets restrained until terumi forces nu to be a puppet once more, and nu goes berserk. After CF she is left catatonic
Not only because she went too hard, but because everything before her life is shattered, everyone had their memories of ragna forcefully, all nu ever held onto were memories of ragna. So without them, she literally became nothing
Nus suffering through blazblue makes her probably one of the most tragic characters, she doesnt need to be the one that rises up past everything that happens to her because by the time blazblue BEGINS she has already been broken and distorted due to her suffering
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