Congress —> Academia —> Biotech —> Pharma

1. Congress sends grant $ to academia to conduct research

2. The lab awarded the grant has the liberty to pursue novel research in any direction they please. This flexibility lends itself to ground breaking innovation
3. Novel research leads to prospective drug candidates and other medical innovations. These get commercialized and some members of the academic research will team up with business minded individuals and form small biotechs to start commercializing the novel research
Biotechs than fine tune and develop the commercially viable product

4. If biotechs see therapeutic potential with a drug candidate they often pass the baton to Pharma, who has the financial means to facilitate a 2.5 billion dollar clinical trial

THIS is healthcare win America
Health insurance and doctors are an uninteresting side story.

What happens when Congress becomes so corrupt that they stop allocating money appropriately to academia or don’t help subsidize some of the financial burdens for pharma? The entire system breaks down. It doesn’t work
This is why it is incredibly naive to make big pharma the boogeyman and main adversary in this never ending debate. I don’t know, ever think about laying some blame on the legislative branch? The branch that allocates money, passes legislation, has both oversight & subpoena
authority? Nobody ever blames Congress. They blame health insurance companies and pharma. But who told you that they were the culprits? Your senators and House reps did. See how that works? They absolve themselves of responsibility and have you parrot the talking points and
scapegoat the wrong companies.

So now pharma has to take on financial burdens that the taxpayer can reasonably subsidize. A fair trade off when prospective cures are being developed. So thus begins the financial corruption of pharma to stay afloat.

And of course, academia sold
out the American PhD worker in the 1980’s to make a quick buck. Academia lied about a shortage of PhD’s after promising American PhD’s grandiose dreams of six figure salaries. The truth is we had an abundance of PhD’s.

Academia took in an influx of foreign PhD students. Guess
where most of those foreigners came from? China. So American PhD’s lost worker rights and fair pay protection as a result. A whopping 18,000 stipend before tax? For 6-10 years just to not find a job? Meanwhile, the CCP is making a higher wage to earn a PhD at our best
universities and stealing all of our best research and intellectual property. The misconception that the Chinese have such intellectual brilliance is a gross fallacy. The only brilliance they displayed was taking advantage of how naive we were to leave this massive security
loophole wide open. So academia collapses and you start losing American presence in AMERICAN research. We have lost generations of researchers and prospective research. I think the implications of the CCP takeover of academia on the rest of the pipeline should be obvious.
Now nobody wants to get involved in research. And why would you? The field demands the prestige of a PhD and yet the time spent earning the title does not justify the means.

So instead of having Americans in research, everyone wants to go into medicine. I’m sorry do we really
need redundant positions like Physicians Assistants? What a waste of labor. If doctors need help they should have nurse practitioners only because at least NP’s can prescribe and function with autonomy unlike PA’s. The field is overloaded with healthcare workers to a fault
It has actually created less skilled workers because we created these redundant positions that demand less exceptional skill sets.

Americans waste a trillion dollars a year on unnecessary and avoidable healthcare expenses. 43% obesity rate for example. If you
don’t think government is going to get tired of pissing money away to keep some morbidly obese person alive, you’re wrong. If they don’t implement weight thresholds/limits, you better believe they are going to stop paying your medical bills real quick. And what happens if you or
a loved one is on life support? Guess who makes the decision to pull the plug? Some asshole in DC who only views your life in dollar signs and cents. DC bureaucrats are pulling the plug.

How many black people suffer unnecessary illnesses and complications because we don’t
bother to educate them about vitamin D deficiencies. You think that is a preventable financial burden?

If you think healthcare is a right, call your primary care physician on his or her off day after midnight to schedule a same day appointment and let me know how that goes!
The answer is always less government. We are in this American decline because we added in more government regulation and overreach.

Why did lasik eye surgery go from 20,000$ an eye to 3,000$ an eye? Because we have healthy competition in the field. Competition reduces prices
A single payer system means the average doctor gets the same pay as the extraordinary doctor. And you’re a fool to think we won’t have a shortage of healthcare workers in no time.

And if you want Medicare for All, you need to reconcile with the fact that universal healthcare
only exists in other countries because of the American model. It’s easy to pay for everyone’s healthcare when you steal American drug patents without monetary compensation and don’t have to invest a cent in drug development. America dominates drug development. Second to none.
But sure let’s get give everyone healthcare. I imagine all of the homeless people who can’t afford food and thus will have poorer outcomes will be overjoyed that they can milk the M4A funds all day....until government cuts them off.

P.S — did you account for the costs of novel
drug treatments like CAR T therapy that cost 250,000 a patient? Of course you didn’t. And that 250,000 is not an arbitrary figure. Trade off the cure for hemopoietic cancers for universal healthcare. Brilliant.

🖕🏼progressivism is an ideology for the intellectually lazy
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