Hi everyone,

Non-alcoholic drinks exist and some of them are actually quite good.

Now I'm not going to bullshit you and pretend like some fizzy fakeass thing is gonna fill the hole left by alcohol.

What said drink *might* do is grab you by the collar and yank you right back to
...that place you wanna be which is AWAY FROM THE CLIFF EDGE and safely in sobriety.

That fake ass fizzy shit might be the thing standing between you and "Yeah, just pour the drink."

"Yeah, just gimme a beer."

"It actually hurts and I deserve a drink."
Cos goddamnit - you *DO* deserve a drink.

Something a bit fancy. Something that reflects how HARD IT'S BEEN.

But that drink for today can be fancy and non-alcoholic. It can be a self-care gesture that doesn't unravel all your resolve and work.
NO, it's not an equal to the drinks you used to enjoy.

You don't have to pretend it is.

These non-alcoholic drinks are sating. You'll be good after 2 - maximum, 3. Not like the old days.
Some non-alcoholic drinks I have enjoyed are:

The growing range of "fake beers" available in supermarkets. I particularly like the mainstream ones like Heineken, Carlton, Holstein, Peroni.

(But I was always mad for beer.)
Soda water with lime and a pinch of fresh mint is a glass of fizzy perfection.

Monday Distillery do a really good G+T kinda thing.

Seedlip I don't like, tastes like burps.

Lyres is good if you're into cocktail mixes & fancy combos.

Love a shot of verjuice on ice with soda.
I would love to see more restaurants serving zero beer as a matter of course like they do in Japan and the UK.

And yes, a lot of sober folks don't like drinks that imitate what they were formerly addicted to. I get it.

This time of year can really test the newly-sober.
If a little fake shit gets your ass off the precipice, fucking do it.
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