I don’t know who needs to hear this, but the Invisible Enemy is the CIA & Deepstate.

They are invisible because they are spooks & maintain multiple highly secure US bases invisible to the general public.

The Chyna Virus are Chinese soldiers on US soil hosted by the CIA.
Sounds fantastic doesn’t it?

Yes, but often reality is stranger than fiction. In this case, reality is stranger than Science Fiction.

For instance, if you have seen any of Star Trek, you know that Kirk can executive Warp Speed with a commanding nod & a “Make it so, Mr. Sulu.”
If you are into Sci-fi or follow the fake news you are also aware of the FISA munitions placed on display throughout the world recently.

The fake news refers to them as ‘mysterious monoliths,’ though they know full well from their briefings what they are.
Since the news has not yet deemed to disclose what these FISA munitions military designations are, I like to refer to these sleek babies as Vergas de Deo.

Colloquially referred to in military strategic discussions as, ‘Rods from God.’
You may ask, what is the significance of a random art installation popping up all over the planet?

Exactly, why you are reading this. To focus attention when the fake news refuses to cover a story.

You are here. You are digging. You are asking ‘why?’
Now imagine the art installation is formed from a US made alloy much like the A-10 Warthog’s highly-dense, depleted Uranium shells, except without radiation effects; most likely Tungsten based.
Finally, imagine hoisting said munitions into space and equipping each with small GPS enabled thrusters which can correct relatively free fall into a gravity well onto a precise target with massive kinetic energy transfer and minimal local explosion.
I am going to assume we are all aware that when the President communicates, he layers messages.

The Left refers to these COMs as ‘Word Salad.’ We take the time to decode.

Listen to the following in relation to the Invisible Enemy & Chyna Virus.
In the above presser, Trump discusses two possible solutions for the military bases that have sealed themselves off from the rest of the US & are openly hostile to American forces.

1. A ‘light’ strike
2. Poison gas

Gas would have a variety of countermeasures & he is aware.
Now let’s listen to a more recent speech addressing the vacine; the solution to the CIA & China rogue base situation. https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1337586206683574272
Since leaving the Paris Climate Accord, the United States has outpaced the other nations efforts. Stewardship of US natural resources is important & Trump has ensured the weapon meets the Gold Standard approved by the FDA. After all it is simply ballistic.
What happens when a near unstoppable force meets a mostly unmovable object, namely, the surface of the body; the Earth?

Depending on the mass & velocity, kinetic energy is imparted, enough to destroy a facility.

Light is injected into the body.
Trump tweets that the first Vacine has been deployed and it is a victory for the USA and the WORLD!

One Invisible Enemy facility neutralized!

Vergas de Deo, Semper Supra! https://twitter.com/elusivevoice1/status/1338496250073722885
You can follow @ElusiveVoice1.
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