There is so much talk about "doing the shadow work" that I'm seeing people, especially those starting, getting confused and also frustrated because they are feeling rushed.

Yeah, the trigger is there for a reason, but know thay there is no specific process you must do.
"Doing the shadow work" is quite overrated. Some people go through life without doing that and are more in tune with themselves and their intuition. Some have never even meditated.

Your beliefs dictate more than any process or "work" that needs to be done.
If you focus on being happy and maintaining a higher state of vibration, the shadow work so many speak of will happen organically. You will release and let go of so much without even realizing that's what you're doing.

The progress will be quite visible too.
Don't feel that you have a specific amount of time to ascend or allow the fear of being left behind to get to you.

No human will be left behind. Intend happiness. Be happy and all will be well.
Even if you don't, there are many energies and frequencies at play that naturally push you into a triggering state for you to release even when you aren't awakened.

Enough of the fear mongering. Beings of light don't place a time frame on anything because time doesn't exist.
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