It’s probably been done before but here is a thread of the best nights out:
The all dayer: large breakfast around 11am followed by pub to pub in whichever town you are in. Guinness the drink of choice interrupted by either a footling subway sandwich or two double cheeseburgers. Home by midnight.
The super Sunday: local pub/wmc for 3pm on a Sunday for televised sporting events. Guinness again the drink of choice. Home for 9am with large chicken wrap or pizza.
The gig night: finish work 5pm straight into town. Bite to eat then pre gig bars to sample atmosphere before entering gig. Drink of choice Red Stripe, or Diesel if university venue. One more pint after gig of still on a high. Home for 1130pm
The local band night: A local band with a catchy name such as ‘Alnwick Street Preachers’ playing your favourite local venue. Drink of choice real ale in a tankard. 8pm arrival, 9pm gig time. Home for 1145pm. Cheese board when home.
WMC posh end party: Can be either a birthday, engagement or retirement do. 7pm arrival, DJ dropping bombs, buffet. Can lead to moving on to later bar depending on area. Home for 2am if that’s the case.
The Saturday evening during the cricket season: after a cold shower and hard fought victory, on a hot day. Whole club together. Cold lager. No food. Start anytime from 6pm, talking jibberish by 10pm, fall into taxi by 11pm. Bad head the next day.
You can follow @jcmorrison1985.
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