Vaccine thread :

I’ve been getting some questions about what a Moderna or Pfizer vaccine would mean for QUARANPOD or social distancing rules.

While these vaccines protect against COVID disease WE DO NOT YET KNOW IF THEY PREVENT TRANSMISSION.

This means that while the vaccine protects YOU we don’t know if it will protect those unvaccinated folks in your family or pod.

It will absolutely be important to continue good pod rules and continued communication even after some folks may be vaccinated.

I am soooooo excited for the vaccine but it’s not like a switch : get the shot and everything is fine. It’s gonna take time — up to a year maybe — to get to full social interaction again. We have to continue to work to protect each other.

I get it. I want the shot so bad and then to 1) get a haircut, 2) get on an airplane, 3) kiss a stranger. I’ll do those things again!!! But not right after my shot.

But Dr Joe, when will we know if the vaccines prevent transmission/infection?

Good question!!! This was a secondary end point of the clinical trials. We should know in about six months. It’s great that the vaccines prevent disease and death (yay!!).

We just need patience as science answers these critical questions and as we get as many folks vaccinated as possible.

TLDR : the vaccines should NOT change your pod rules or distancing behavior. You don’t protect OTHERS by the shot, you do that by distancing (for now) :) :)

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