Oh? Are we done having this conversation now? NO TF WE ARENT. Sit down and shvt up, I got some sht to say.
"B-but Mega, it's ok, it's already been dealt with--" KICK TO YOUR STERNUM. You're gonna hear wtf I got to say and you're not gonna say SHT. Now, lets get into it
I'll start us off light, so no worries. Now, first question....

What tf is wrong with all of you?

Completely serious.
No cappin'.
What the fck is wrong with you?
I have not been so disappointed in this fandom in a long while. Y'all really out here spamming nonsense posts and yelling at TIME writers, emailing BH about fcking CLOTHES, cancelling ppl left and right for a slip-up JUST because they're a big acc??
Since when did y'all become solo stans? Ong, this has to be some of the most pathetic sht Ive ever witnessed. Weren't y'all the ones that said not to listen to solos/ not to give them the time of day/ yada yada yada? THEN WHY ARE YOU GOING ALONG WITH THEIR DUMBASS MISCHEIF???
You yourself already know they're full of sht, so why are you trying to appease them? For twt likes and rts??? Some of y'all amaze me. Those are the same mfers that bought a sent a fcking TRUCK to the BH building and embarrassed the sht out of Jin.
Those are the same mfers that giggle about how many white girls or black girls they think BTS have had. Those are the SAME mfers that keke over another members issues and want the group to disband. HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN THEIR MAIN GOAL????
My one question to you is, wtf are you here? Seriously, why are you here? Did you make this acc to support BTS? Or did you make it for something else? You need to ask yourself that before you start co-signing solo sht.
Ok, now let's break this up Ito sections. You thought I was done? Lmao. This is just the beginning.

CHAPTER 1: This emailing bullsht
This needs to stop. You can't be emailing BH over every fcking issue. Pick and choose the appropriate times to email them. You're clogging up their phone lines and for what? Because you didn't like how big a jacket was on a member? Please.

No, because this needs to be said. I am DUMB TIRED of y'all letting those little piss ants run free on this app. YOU know they're garbage. I know they're garbage, so why is it JUST ME calling them out on their headassery???
Why are you so afraid of them? You scared they're gonna doxx you or pull up to your house? You got weapons dont you? Babe, I PROMISE you that skinny btch aint got do sht to you. They show up to your house, you know you got that gl0ck in your glove compartment. Stop being scared
It's seriously pathetic. "Oh. they're gonna cancel me!" AND WHAT?? If they tell you to d-word over and over again are you gonna do it?? I get it, getting cancelled is terrifying. it is. I've been through it. But man tf up and tell them to be quiet. BLOCK THEM. MUTE THEM.
For God sakes, it's making YOU look just as bad for going along with their idiocy, just cause you're afraid some kpoppies won't like you
TAKE 3: Call out =/= Cancel

The way some of you are behaving is trifling. In order not to date this thread I won't name names, but some big acts got rightfully called out for spreading solo culture, but instead of talking about this, y'all are attacking the whistleblowers??
Are you here to support BTS or are you here to support big accs?? It's so pathetic. tklives, p!nk_romantics, bora, peaches_bts, and btsnoapology still exist on this platform and you're not going after them because why? No, really, why? They are some of the vilest ppl on this app
Are you here to suck their d!cks? WHY ARE THEY STILL HERE???

They need to open up the schools fr because some of y'all have lost your damn minds. Since when have we EVER let baby army talk over older armys like this? WHEN? Why are these "Joined ___ 2020" ass ppl speaking as if they've been here since 2013? Why are you allowing them to talk
The student NEVER speaks above the teacher. They should be coming in here asking the ones before them how everything works, but no, you're letting the babies take the wheel. Ffs. TELL A NGGA TO SHUT UP. You see them cappin'. "SHUT YO STEWPID ASS UP" There. Done.
You guys have given them too much wiggle room. I joined in 2018 and we TAUGHT baby armys. I was taught as a baby army. idk if its Covid but y'all have gotten lazy. Send baby armys to this acc. @babymystwt Any question? Send them here.
They are here, for YOU https://twitter.com/babymystwt/status/1338149307166363650?s=20

Y'all can't think for yourselves? Why are you turning into sheepmys?
Every time something big happens I take my time researching it and figuring out my stance on it. Y'all just rt, go "Oh sht" when you get called out, delete and act like it never happened (looking at a few big accs). You can't think for yourselves?
On that topic, you better lay off that cancel culture sht. Fr it's always BEEN toxic. Just because the rest of Stan twt is doing it doesn't mean we have to either. What happened to listening and hearing ppl out before making judgements on them?
Now its just "This person said this""Omg no way! Im not even gonna ask the person being accused if they did, im just gonna block them immediately and report their acc. Oh, they DIDNT do that thing? Whoops. Were still friends right?" Pathetic.
I promise you kpoppies will STILL hate you at the end of the day, so stop trying to appease them. Know what I do when a kpoppie/solo steps up to me? I laugh, roll my eyes, report and block their ass, because they're sad, and will always BE sad.

PART 56: Learn to take accountability for your sht.

Aren't y'all adults? Why are you trying to hide? When you guys get called out, TAKE IT, ACCEPT IT, APOLOGIZE, MOVE ON.
And when you're the ones accusing and the person apologizes, TAKE IT, ACCEPT IT, MOVE ON. Stop with this "d-word""delete" sht if the person is genuine in their apology. The amount of moots I've had run off this site by y'all is disgusting.
I have more but twt is staring at me funny with all these tweets, so ill come back later, but regardless, please stop following the solo agenda. What they want is evil and you co-signing makes you JUST as evil as them. Calling out is not canceling. And enough sheepmy sht. Done.
Also I wrote this on mobile, so if you see any typos, no you didn't 💜
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