If your a new dev being gaslit by these dinosaur thought leaders remember this:

The junior level requirements when they got hired were HTML, CSS and jQuery.
You are being required to know JavaScript, CSS extended languages like Sass, templating languages, build processes, git, various frameworks and probably backend as well. Plus who knows what else.

You’re already more qualified then they were.
I’m not here to give false hope though. Getting into tech is tough. It’s even more tough if you are a poc and or a femme. The system is rigged. It’s a white male mediocrity. There are places and people who are racist and sexist.
But there are people here who will support and fight for you. We want better for you and are working to make that.
You can follow @tofieldya.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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