Okay thread time. We need a dumbass alert. There's some people on Twitter that don't see the big deal with CCP affiliates being imbedded in our society. Their argument goes something like this. "This has been going on forever" or "people with different political views from ...
different countries are always with us"...Let's explain the truth. The CCP is communist. Let me say it again. Communist. They kill people or jail for life those that decent. That ideology is our enemy. These 2, million people have sworn an oath that it is ok to kill or jail for..
life anyone that decents. They report everything they do here. They turn over all information they glean here. All so the CCP will have an edge on us. The main goal of the CCP is world dominance. That means power over you and me. Because of all that..th CCP and their agents
are our enemy. Because of that communism is our enemy. So yeah it is a big deal. Sorry for the simple mindedness.
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