This is but one of many examples of where white men might want to stay in their lane or at least recognize that their professional worth and even their very humanity are rarely publicly challenged.
If you’re a POC or a woman in general, you likely have tons of stories where you’ve had to fight for respect that’s given without question to the most sorry-ass white men (the outgoing president is an obvious example).
I’ve noticed this is something that most white men rarely have the humility to do. “Why are all these people who AREN’T white men upset about this issue. I could try to understand, but naaah, I’m just gonna say it’s silly. That’s how I roll. It’s part of my lifestyle."
I’m instinctively someone who rolls his eyes at perceived pretension. If I’m talking about musical theatre with someone, it might annoy me if someone can’t go a sentence without saying, “I wrote my thesis on the works of Sondheim” or “I worked with (FAMOUS DIRECTOR)."
But something I learned over the years is that not asserting your credentials is a PRIVILEGE.
Women or minorities sometimes broadcast their credentials to preemptively block mansplaining or racial condescension. And yes we damn well use DOCTOR
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