re-watching jurassic park and realized that you don't even get to see a dinosaur until a full twenty minutes into the film, which confirms my theory that most movies made after 2000 move too fast and are bad at character development
before i even see a dinosaur??? i know that sam neill doesn't want kids but laura dern does, i learn that jeff goldblum is a semi-deranged closetalker, i learn that newman is an avaricious creep, i learn that attenborough is an idealist with too much $ (recipe for disaster)
there is an entire early scene before you even get a whiff of dinosaur where they mine for amber that takes 5 minutes and has no real point other than to show the exploitation of labor behind this "amazing" scientific methodology; now that's what i call *filmmaking*
landing the helicopter alone takes another 5 minutes! spielberg spends time like john hammond spends cash
do (some) modern filmmakers not trust us that we fully understand that we will get the dinosaurs eventually
someone should teach a screenwriting class called "dinosaurs come to those who wait"
it should have taken 25 minutes to even SEE the skyscraper in the film this essay I will
do you think if they made jurassic park for streaming now the notes would be like "lop off the stuff at the dig, give us a dinosaur up front, also maybe dan levy could show up and say something quippy about velociraptors"
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