Brief thread of Olympia today:
The group of antifascist activists took off from the park and we all marched towards the capitol building.
Immediately upon arrival the group was met w RW extremists who began throwing fireworks, other projectiles, & trying to pick fights & beating ppl with flags. Antifascists threw their fireworks & other projectiles such as paint back at them. “Get the fuck out of here fascist!”
Right wing extremist assaulted this activist with a pole as bloc throw paint balloons and another person goes to their defense.
how it started, how it ended. fuck around and find out or w/e.
After that encounter with the fash we marched away. The guy who got punched in the face and was really confrontational to femmes last Saturday got in my face before bear mace was deployed. Ouch 😔 it’s because white ppl don’t tell me “smallah” after complimenting my eyes probs
The medics are always so fast in these situations. After getting maced the police started hitting us with munitions as them and the chuds started moving in. Please listen to this sound clip to get a feel for how scary and chaotic it is. Anyone who helps someone is risking a lot
^ “we got fash coming down the hill”
“I’m not leaving.”

when cops and fash with rifles were coming in from behind us they still didn’t leave anyone hurt behind even though the entire group was gone at this time and it was too dangerous to stay there. Thank you ALL of you.
About 15 minutes later most leftists had recovered the injuries they sustained. We regrouped & marched 2 the capitol building. The group would make advances once in formation w specified step quantity with the shields in the front. 1 chud said he’s not afraid to die & got trolled
This was a pretty surreal moment. We had the right wing extremists throwing glass bottles and rocks at our heads while the police who were in formation BEHIND them were shooting us too. Both sides were throwing projectiles at one point at us. Together. Cops and klan y’all.
Antifa strategically advanced once again, this time moving in a lot closer & chanting “move back!” They managed to push the right wing extremists back until they hid behind the police line. They also chanted “no chuds, no kkk, no fascist USA!” Stun grenades were being shot at US
Once the chuds were fully behind the LEO line antifa cheered & then we left. We were walking back to where we started to go home. Armed RW’ers were popping up again on the walk, in 1 of my clips you can hear someone say “keep walking, do not engage. Especially if they have guns”
We continued walking and a bunch of the RW’ers popped up again in front of us macing people and throwing rocks, hitting people with poles and sticks. Everyone regrouped & marched forward yelling “move back” again. Most of them did.
“They’re throwing rocks watch out!”
They somewhat retreated after pulling up on us trying to leave, throwing rocks... ultimately shooting a Black 19 year old defending his community from fascism & hate. This clip is where it happened, but it’s cropped as i was < a foot away
nothing that happened and nothing that anyone can say can excuse him getting shot. It was attempted murder. They were waiting to shoot someone. They were excited. They enjoyed it. This is why we fight back. They shot an innocent 19 year old and fucking enjoyed it and got praised
Although the police and SWAT were on every corner watching it all go down, it took 4-5 minutes for LEO response. They sent in three SWAT who made everyone get down on the ground while they searched for idk what I didn’t ask but you can guess.
Immediately after, we all wanted to CONTINUE leaving to go home after making sure everyone was relatively ok. The medics did an evac because cops didn’t help & no ambulance came. Everyone was in shock. It was traumatic.
As we were trying to leave police kept cornering us and deploying munitions. This kept happening and we kept getting kettled. The right wing terrorists never got hit, but instead were given protection.
Police were shooting discriminately yesterday. Leftists only. Medics were targeted a LOT too. They kept intentionally shooting them with munitions. The beginning of this clip is sounds of Leo’s targeting medics with munitions and the sound of them running away. LEO gave no choice
The second part of that video is a clip from seconds after the first 1... everyone was running, not walking, because their only order was to leave but we couldn’t leave. We got kettled in a parking lot here. The jump was too high (top level of a garage) and SWAT was on both sides
They were just shooting munitions left & right, trapping us everywhere they could, I lost count of the ‘mini kettles.’ Again, we had been trying to leave at this point since before the shooting.
We were all traumatized & hurt trying to recover and go home. This went on for a long time. Almost an hour of being showered in munitions, CS gas and getting chased and cornered. Police were everywhere and it was extremely infuriating seeing how this all went down.
The police and fash were both hunting and hurting antifascists... most LEO vehicles I saw (police and SWAT) had the thin blue line flag sticker on it. Unacceptable. How can you protect and serve with this clear bias? What would happen if I as a journalist wore my fuck 12 beanie?
^ wearing my fuck 12 beanie is totally acceptable btw. Pointing out police’s reaction and response to that. Society’s too. The thin blue line flag comparison is not the same because that’s DANGEROUS. My expression doesn’t get people murdered.
When people chant cops & klan go hand in hand it’s not just a chant y’all. Aside from protecting them they were a few feet away from being in the same fucking formation. We had police & fascists standing next to each other throwing munitions & shit at us at the same fucking time
This thread is missing a lot but it’s already long and I need time. Just wanted to provide a little context because it’s important and I felt it necessary.
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