#HappyHanukkah !

For Day 4 of Hanukkah, we'll be exploring Jewish contributions to the American Civil Rights movement for African American liberation!

First up:

#123 - Stanley Levison, friend of Martin Luther King Jr. who chiefly wrote his iconic "I Have A Dream" speech.
#124 - Joel Spingarn, civil rights activists who assisted in the formation of the NAACP.
#125 - Lillian Wald, an American nurse involved in the founding of the NAACP.
#126 - Jacob Billikopf, nationally known public service worker who was recruited by the NAACP in 1914.
#127 - Stephen Wise, a reform rabbi and Zionist recruited by the NAACP in 1914.
#128 - Julius Rosenwald, a businssman and philanthropist who gave to many funds for the liberation and success of African Americans.
#129 - Jacob Schiff, another philantropist who assisted in funding for civil rights movements and the disadvantaged.
#130 - Henry Moskowitz, a Romanian-born civil rights activists who co-founded the NAACP.
#131 - Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman, civil rights activists and members of CORE who were killed by the Ku Klux Klan while helping Black people in Mississippi register to vote.
That's all for today, friends. Thank you for joining us on this journey!

It goes without saying at this point, but of course we can only do so many posts in a single day! So many other Jewish contributions have yet to be covered by us, so follow us to see when we get to them!
Tomorrow, we'll be exploring Jewish contributions to feminism and Women's rights movements in America. We hope to see you there!

זײַ געזונט געזונט!
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