While we’re all enjoying the Araporn, please also enjoy this thread of all the other LOtR hotness:
This shot lives in my brain rent free
Ol’ Frodo Blue eyes needs his simp tweet
Everyone deserves to be loved like Sam loves Frodo
The silverfox in all his follicular glory
Yuuuuup to alllllll the horsemasters, but especially this one
I know a bunch of y’all will have my head if I don’t give this gorgeous creature with the perfect hair some love ♥️
Gimli guys and gals, show yourselves! Don’t be shy! Everyone loves a funny short guy.
And all you Merry and Pippin folks, we know you love a good drink, a good smoke, and a good time. Cheers!
More hot, long haired brothers incoming!
Hair model AND Witch King slayer
Appreciation for the overwhelming gorgeousness of this coupling’s emotional reunion
And what about this hottie without a body, AMIRIGHT?!
And we can’t forget the Lord of RivenDAMN, Elrond McHottiepants.
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