Alright. Time for some ✨advanced✨ avoid-automated-Instagram-deplatforming tips.

1. For old posts, use Web Inspector to read the auto-generated image description alt text. Delete any w/links or keywords that might be flagged in the future.
2. Text inside IG stories (AND posts) are scanned visually, so censor words in ways that are _optically_ different.

Worse: s€x, t¡ts
Better: s//x, t!ts

(If you want to see how a machine might interpret your text, you can test in Google Photos > Lens.)
3. Use a burner account to test new posts & stories before posting to your main account. Blatant infractions (e.g. banned words) should be flagged within a few minutes.
4. Links in bio are crawled & scanned. DON'T get clever here & use redirects (this is spam behavior) or link aggregation services (these will be crawled).

Twitter is _theoretically_ safer, since by nature it's difficult to crawl/cache & has a bad signal:noise ratio.
5. Delete. Old. Stories.

Old stories inherently aren't "private",
& safe, bc you can add them to a public highlight any time. It takes a lot of time & resources to scan old content en masse, so the butt selfie that was safe last week could get flagged next.
Professional advice aside, here are some anecdotal notes:
- Archived story removals appear to happen on an account-by-account basis (so you get multiple warnings at once)
- Repeated automated flags usually trigger a human review
- Ads + sponcon + monetization = huge risk increase
You can follow @MistressFaeNYC.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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