I'm building an extension that makes Twitter a better memex:

⭐️ Highlights: see someone's best tweets, not just most recent
📆 On This Day: revisit past tweets for inspiration
🔍 Search: find tweets to quote, w/ shortcuts for useful filters

DM me if you want to try the beta!
Early reviews are in 🤓

DM me if you want to give it a spin
Also, recommend this thread on why/how to weave together thoughts on Twitter. Totally changed the way I use this thing.

Goal of this extension is to better align the product with this style of use. Less news, more ideas https://twitter.com/Conaw/status/1129806786477772801
So far, seems like Highlights view is the killer feature for people.

Makes sense...when you come across someone's profile, would you rather see what they happened to be saying today, or the most popular things they've ever posted? 🤔
You can follow @geoffreylitt.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

Latest Threads Unrolled:

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