The growing messaging about crunch directed at gamers is infuriating and guarantees anti-dev blowback. If you tell consumers that working conditions are bad, and you give them no way to do anything about it, gamers are going to associate this with 'buying games is bad'
I've seen everywhere gamers saying "wait a second, at my job I get treated like shit and work to hard too, and you're taking away my escape from that". This is why we cannot reach people as consumers but we can reach them as workers, that identity gives us a path for organizing
'there is no ethical consumption under capitalism' also means that you can't make any trying to create solidarity with that consumer identity. It is designed to atomize and isolate people. Having this conversation on the basis of cross-industry worker exploitation can work
Apologies for the typos I wrote this in a haze right after waking up from a very late night grading
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