I don't have a degree, I don't know all the intellectual vocab words around this

I was both coerced into sex work by an abusive partner AND sex work was how I survived homelessness and how I supported myself and several others by choice https://twitter.com/sarahthemoose/status/982720956463505408
Sex work fit my brain and my body when the only other employment options were minimum wage retail

To me, that says more about the lack of a universal safety net and the abhorrent working conditions in the usa, than some big bad evil about sex work
After being homeless and abused, after living in a van, when I finally found a friend with a whole room I could crash in

I was in no way capable of standing at a register for 8 hours with no bathroom break. I could barely socialize. I ate like a prisoner

But I could do sex work
I could see ONE man, for ONE hour and often less, and make $200

I could spend the rest of the day sleeping, taking baths, playing video games, watching movies, trying to heal from homelessness and abuse
Sex work saved my life


Maybe if we had a universal safety net, income, housing, health care, food, everything

Maybe then I couldn't have been coerced into it
Let's fix society so we're all taken care of

Instead of destroying a lifeline some people find unsavory
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