Vet the tag and named accounts yourselves. They have no shame in their game-dirty deeds not dirt cheap but not deep cover
GOLDCORP are military veterans (some working in coordination with US Department of Veterans Affairs employees and current law enforcement officers) (nationwide) actively aligned with the "Boogaloo" movement. Leadership uses security clearance
privileges to access confidential
personal i.d. data. They use govt systems of record (including FOIA process) for cyberstalking, targeted harassment and doxxing of liberal/progressive/antifascist veteran accounts. Tactics include exploitation of data to gaslight to impugn reputation and/or credibility.
They operate nationwide, openly advocating overthrow of the United States by force, providing instructions through this and other social media platforms to recruit members for their efforts. #/GOLDCORP was chosen to refer to the failed “Silver Corp” military action in Venezuela.
The group fronts as a " #StolenValor hunter" and as advocates for a Black veteran to receive the MoH as a cover for their actual white supremacist operations to recruit and engage support for what they have described as "imminent civil war."
The group is growing in numbers, and has direct affiliation with members who are trained in the tactics and methods of urban warfare. They are drawing upon these individuals for subject matter expertise, to include establishing various types of ambushes, using terrain towards
advantage, escape and evasion, monitoring and communications, surveillance and targeting of law enforcement outside of duty. They are also drawing upon current access to government systems of records to identify individuals considered a ‘threat’ to these efforts.
They do not appear to have a corporate structure but like any terrorist org they have a loose command and control structure with autonomous cells raising money using patches, books and coffee. They recruit and radicalizing others to embrace violent white nationalist ideology.
While others seem to openly recruit the de facto "gateway" is an invite to "goonzoom" where they are "vetted." Those with access are used for information such as arrest or military or medical records to attack any veterans who show opposition to their violent political goals.
Some specialize in #propaganda #psyops and teach others to design psychological base memes. They use HUMINT tactics when probing – e.g. “the man from Missouri or "prove it" approach where they disbelieve everything to get more info; the "false file" where they intimidate and
frighten by using access to l.e. records to pretend to have more personal id/military record information than they do; the "mutt & jeff" where they have faux “liberal but cool with the boogloony” veteran pretend to calm and persuade the target of GOLDCORP attacks to "walk away."
ON OR ABOUT OCTOBER 30, 2020, NINE MEMBERS OF THE GROUP HAD A PLANNING MEETING IN SALEDO, TEXAS, hosted by Gilmer E. Monk aka “Jasper Fant.” Self-congratulatory tweets document the attendees. #OpSecMattersYall

See also:

Clayton Lamar Martin, Idaho

From his Amazon author page: “I served in two branches of service, the USMC and the US Army. In the Corps I was in the infantry, a Scout/ Sniper, and a Recon Marine. In the Army I served as a Green Beret, with most
of my career spent in 3rd Special Forces Group. I was an Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) Communications SGT, Intelligence SGT, and ended my career as a SFAUC instructor. I was forced to medically retire in 2013, and spent a few years...teaching people to shoot and contracting.
Excerpts from Martin’s website: 

“Government has shown itself impotent, and all the cards left are in your hands.”

“If you took the previous advice about building a network of allies, this is going to be a lot easier to deal with.”
“We have protected our civilian population so well since 1941, that most of them have no idea how the world actually works. That often, might does make right. That sometimes you have no good options." 
“We believe, and the vocal parts of the left reinforce, that they are the party of Stalin. They would like nothing more than complete Government control, with all of us freedom advocates rounded up and put into Gulags. Before that, they would like to tax all of us that work into
rags, giving the spoils of our sweat to foreign invaders, whom they have brought in to replace us. They would like our children groomed by tranny’s and homos, who will likely serve as our new masters as we are re-educated. Scratch that, we can’t be re-educated because our
privilege is inherent. New masters as our lands and women are given over to the oppressed class?"
"The Left has literally killed millions of babies over the last 40 years, a holocaust of infanticide. Can you imagine a single one of the Old Gods, Odin to Old Testament, that would not call upon you to put the perpetrators to the sword?”
And don't forget this one:
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