In the Great Depression, it was an explosion of small business ingenuity that helped most households put food on the table.

Now people aren’t “allowed” to engage in small business?
If this is allowed to continue, we will see the greatest explosion of poverty in American history.

Well connected people will have access to loans and essential business permits.

Politicians will trade favors and sex with minors to decide who gets the permits.
We will not go quietly into that black night.

Liberty is worth any price.

It is the only true check against the depravity of those who desire power.
Few people have a clue how far the NWO was prepared to go, or what Trump saved us from.

He disarmed some of their traps, and sprung others prematurely, while mitigating what he could.

Georgia Guidestones... READ IT.
And yeah, God is the one actually doing it... Trump is just a tool God is using.

Should be so obvious it doesn’t need to be said in every thread, but some will freak out if I don’t say it.
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