Is Christmas a Christian or Pagan Holiday: A Thread
December 25th is the birthday of Mithras, the Pagan Sun-God. It also happens to be the same day Christians celebrate Jesus’s birthday. Historically, Jesus probably would have been born on May 20th or possibly April 20-21, but the day of Jesus’s birth cannot be found in the Bible.
Christmas was not observed by early Christians. December 17-23 was celebrated as a time for the pagan Roman festival known as Saturnalia. During this time there would be gift exchanging, feasting, drinking, and gambling. December 25th was also celebrated as the Winter Solstice.
The Roman Church declared December 25th as Christmas in 336AD. Christmas grew in popularity known for its merry-making rather than being a day of religious observance. Early Christians criticized the day as it was celebrated by various sinful activities.
Christmas was illegal in New England in the 17th-18th centuries. Puritan Christians banned Christmas because they believed it was based on a pagan holiday, was not ordained by Scripture, Dec. 25 had no historical value to Christians, & everyone in England just got really drunk.
Now, for how Christmas is celebrated around the world today. Christmas trees are not pagan. They were unknown to England prior to the 1830s and created by Lutherans as part of their break with customs of the Roman Church. Many traditions for Christmas today are relatively new.
So, is Christmas a Christian or Pagan holiday today? Well, it’s kind of neither. We’ve adopted new practices in place of older ones. Some of these practices for Christmas glorify God, but some of them are common to the ways of the world. So, I could see how convictions may vary.
Historically, December 25th is Pagan. Today, December 25th is a holiday celebrated by Christians... and Pagans, and many other religions too, because it’s not originally Christian to begin with. The Bible doesn’t speak of it, because it’s something we’ve created.
So, whether you choose to celebrate December 25th as Jesus’s birthday or not... Scripture is clear. The celebration of “Christmas” is not in Scripture. This is not to condemn or encourage celebrating Christmas. This is to shed light on its history & practices.
God’s Word has the final authority. If you’re debating celebrating Christmas, I encourage you to ask God Himself. Pray for discernment, test every spirit, and celebrate Jesus everyday. Also, don’t forget... His first coming was His birth, but His second coming is coming soon.
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