If you thought women aren't visual creatures, you're an idiot.

They'll judge a book by its cover, and a man by his style of dress.

If your clothes don't fit, are dirty, out of style, cheap then they'll make negative assumptions about your status within society's hierarchy.
Whoever said that the game isn't pay to play is an idiot.

The game is PAY TO PLAY.

If you're broke, getting girls is 10X harder than when you have serious cash flow.

It takes money to buy time to play the seduction game. If you're broke, you're too busy working to pay rent.
This doesn't mean take out your wallet and pay for a woman's needs.

But it does mean taking out your wallet to DRESS LIKE A KING.

Your home - the fuck close location - has to look clean, stylish, classy, and sexy.

If there are soda bottles everywhere, you are a fucking idiot.
Don't get broke trying to look rich, but don't look broke either.

This isn't just about getting laid.

It's about networking.

You have to dress the part.

Winners associate with winners.

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