This #SundayMorning we're asking what can be done about House Republicans who signed onto a lawsuit to overturn an election and install Trump as a de facto dictator.

Isn't this sedition? Do Dems have recourse to punish an obvious attempt to undermine the constitution?
(5) "...having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States... to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."
(7) While the GOP's intent is obvious, punishing them politically could deepen divides & spark an actual civil war.

But how can we ignore such treason and allow it to fester in dark corners, undermining democracy at every turn?
Abraham Lincoln faced a similar dilemma.
(9) However, since the GOP has not technically taken up arms against the republic (although they've encouraged it), we may have to finesse ourselves past this dangerous moment.

We could employ the same strategy Congress used during reconstruction.
(10) Congress threatened not to seat southern reps until they agreed to the specifications laid out under reconstruction.

Dems could leverage the same threat to get the 126 Republicans to disavow any further efforts to undermine the election.
(11) It seems laughable to suggest we're relitigating the Civil War but here we are. Grappling with white minority rule that wants to install a white supremacist and disenfranchise minority voters.

Same problem, different century
Hopefully, we're capable of better solutions
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