I past years, I've run sales and promos for the holiday season. This year... well, this year I'm just trying to make it through. My primary job is super busy. Parenting is extra hard. I'm trying to do my holiday shopping without going into many stores and that is harder.
But books still make great gifts! There is no promo this year, but let's be honest... my regular prices aren't that high! Browse the back catalog here: https://annorlundaenterprises.com/books/ 
I'm going to come back to this thread ever day or so and tell you why one or two of my books is a great gift. I'd love to do it all in one sitting but well... see the 1st post in this thread. In fact, pausing now to help my 11 y.o. pick a gift for her older sister! Be back soon.
OK, I'm back and noticed the typo in my first tweet. 🤷‍♀️
Gift recommendations will commence, in no particular order. Starting with THE BOY WHO WAS MISTAKEN FOR A FAIRY KING, by @ByHLFullerton - the perfect gift for anyone on your list who loves fairy tales, fantasy, and quirky stories infused with magic:
Have a community college teacher or student on your list? Check out NONTRADITIONAL, by @NanKuhlman - a collection of essays about the author's students, the lessons she taught... and what they taught her:
And now, the chores list calls. I'll be back later with more recommendations!
Well that was a longer break than I planned! Back to the book gift ideas.

Have someone who loves to travel and/or loves wildlife on your list? Check out UNSPOTTED by @JustinFoxAfrica and take them on an armchair trip to South Africa in search of leopards: https://annorlundaenterprises.com/books/unspotted/
And I have another idea for the fantasy reader on your list. This one is a coming of age story that works equally well for adults and tweens/teens, I think - THE LILIES OF DAWN, by @FoggWriter, with a gorgeous @likhain cover: https://annorlundaenterprises.com/books/the-lilies-of-dawn/
Final one for right now: BOTH SIDES OF MY SKIN, by Elizabeth Trach would be an excellent gift for any mother, but particularly a new mother who might be glad for some stories about motherhood that ring true, not saccharine: https://annorlundaenterprises.com/books/both-sides-of-my-skin
And now I pause again to go make dinner! Let's see if I can get back to this list sooner this time. 😀
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