On the subject of the Never Trumper's fervid desire to get back to the good old days before "four or five years ago" when Donald Trump appeared outta nowhere and everything up, here's a little snippet I wrote some time back with a stinger at the end.


"For the uncharitable among us, the column is like tucking in to a ten-foot-long schadenfreude hoagie, trimmed with everyone from a former Tom DeLay aide to Bloody Bill Kristol...

...all weeping great big Burkean tears and bitching to beat the band about how the inmates have taken over the asylum.

Of course, what they're REALLY furious about is that the monster they tinkered together to stomp Liberals to grue and carry them all to power -- a monster their betters have been warning them against building in increasingly panicked tones for years -- ...

-- has now, in fact (as one long-forgotten wag once put it) and as predicted, kicked the lab door off its hinges and run amok.

The Party of Lincoln is now Rush Limbaugh's g**p-suited plaything and has stacked Congress with enough deeply paranoid, face-defiant, lockstepping meatsticks that...

...as Ed Rogers, (a top aide to both Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush) notes, can kill "the art of governing in Washington"".

And the stinger?

It wasn't written in 2020 by a pundit in the employ of a major American media company to do ONE job: opine about the state of American politics and the condition of the GOP -- an opinion you could definitely trust because of their unparalleled expertise.

It was written in 2013 during what Never Trumpers insist were the good old days by a Liberal blogger -- one of many such bloggers whose opinions were mocked, slandered and effectively banned from the mainstream media as strident crackpot alarmism.

So pardon me for not pining too hard for the Good Old Day.

"Their Rigidity is Killing Them." https://driftglass.blogspot.com/2013/07/their-rigidity-is-killing-them.html
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