So last night I tuned into 4 hours of Eddie Block’s ‘dox stream.’ I tried to capture as many faces as I could, location, anything identifiable b/c these folks deserve to be outed to their employers, their neighbors, their families & their communities. Today I am filled with rage.
I am infuriated that hordes of violent, white racists were allowed unfettered access to DC streets. I am still coming to terms w what I witnessed which is incomparable to what folks on the ground & DC community members experienced. The violence is escalating. The mainstream media
...headlines do a WILD job of ‘both-sidesing’ the situation. It’s all so surreal and horrifying. And it’s just going to get worse. Our community is all we have against the continued spiral into fascism. The state continues to look the other way hoping it will all sort itself out.
If you’re a lib who is thinking to yourself ‘don’t go out there’ or ‘violence begets violence’ or some such thing, just don’t even bother to say it out loud. Just keep that shit to yourself. Antifascists are the brave troops that are going to save us, save YOU.
Antifascists are going to be the ones to create a world that is safe for YOUR children to thrive.

So to all my new liberal followers, let me ask you:

Have you thanked an antifascist today? Have you fed an antifascist today? Have you donated to an antifascist today?
Have you bailed an antifascist out of jail today? Have you helped pay an antifascists rent today? Have you offered to watch an antifascist’s kiddo so they can be out in these streets or so they can go to therapy, or so they can sleep? If not, it’s time for you to DO SOMETHING.
You can follow @GothBotAlice.
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