Nigerians would automatically make you a saint once you die or have a close shave with death (particularly suicide.)

suddenly, you can’t correct said person’s misdeeds.
it’s even worse in this generation because we hate accountability so much, the mental health card has become the new “blood of Jesus” which wipes all sins clean.

you notice the pattern continuously play on twitter NG, it’s become repulsive.
people don’t ever want to understand and deal with consequences of their actions.

you fuck up, people call you out on your fuck up, it gets intense, you threaten with suicide or actually attempt it.

suddenly everyone who called you out on your fuck up is a bad person.
it casts aspersions on actual people battling mental health problems due to no faults of theirs

even if you’re actually having mental health issues, or being suicidal, don’t start playing the victim when you’re not.
someone today actually thought it was rationally okay to tweet “Oge’s blood is on Kiki’s hands”. do you know how sickening that is?

all actions/inactions have consequences.

death/suicide doesn’t absolve people of the shit they’ve done.
p.s: if you don’t agree with part or all that I’ve said, I would be open to a civil discussion, thanks. 👍🏾.
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