Ok, so this has been going around and I wanna put my own 2 cents in.

The reason why this wrinkles so many noses is that reducing meat (breaking it down and releasing the inner grease and meat) is NOT new.

It's something you see in many ethnic recipes. Thats not the issue. https://twitter.com/poetatoeboi/status/1337849673093009408
The issue is that especially in White America, these things are ripped out. And only then acknowledged later in "nutrition courses".

It ends up looping back around and making ethnic food seem unhealthy by default. When actually they always included this step in a different way.
The way this is usually done with ground beef is to use drain the grease and then add water TO the pan and simmer the meat.

That breaks it down further and seperates more grease. You can then skim it off the top (grease floats).

It's a longer but TASTIER method.
And I feel like that's the issue usually. White culture especially prizes fast over the taste of the food.

When we don't keep the full steps to a recipe this kind of shit always happens.

It's the origin of making fun of "bland" white people food.
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