No. This is not acceptable. State and local governments are struggling, because:

1. (In a nutshell), They’ve had to spend more because of COVID. 

2. Uncertainty on whether future $ is coming will mean state/local governments will have to cut NOW to balance for the future.
In other words, this isn’t going to be a one-time situation for state/local. This is going to be a domino effect that’s going to be felt across many years.

3. Know who no $ directly impacts? Firefighters. Teachers. Essential workers. Because their $ is decided by local budgets.
I’m sure part of the calculus is the urgent recognition that 12/26 and 12/31 are when unemployment + the eviction moratorium expire respectively.

But it really shouldn’t be an either/or situation, with the assumption state/local negotiations can happen later.
Given how long it’s take to get from the Heroes Act to this point, it’s pretty clear that the GOP aren’t going to go back to the table any time soon.

And in the meantime, there will be more uncertainty, more potential for layoffs, more economic chaos.
All of this is my really long-winded way of saying: Please call/email your *Dem* today, and tell we can’t give in on state/local. They have to hold the line on ALL:

- Unemployment
- The moratorium
- State/local, etc.

Basically, what was in the Heroes Act in the first place.
But also: if you have GOP Senators?

Remind them that they should have passed the damn Heroes Act in the first place, after it passed the House. It shouldn’t have come down to 11th hour negotiations AGAIN.

They abandoned their duties, pure and simple.
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