So excited at 'going out -out' next weekend with my girls that I think I'm going to make them go in full on party dress mode even if it's only for a couple of hours.
Normally have 2 Dos and a night or two out with mates aswell pre Christmas. Have to make the most of it
Fake tan on my legs and * everything *
I'll miss dancing though.
But what would the bouncers do if I just started.....??? Carry me out?
Used to be pally with bouncers of a bar I lived in after work in Blackpool. They were there to protect the strippers.
Used to pick me up throw me over their shoulders and carry me out for a laugh .
Wasn't going to argue . They both carried knuckle dusters & handcuffs
No one ever hassled in that bar tbf and they made sure I got home across the street . Which was handy
They also told me the name of their boss who ran loads of the bouncers, in case I got into trouble.
Used it once ...when snake guy act who was on after the strippers , was giving me hassle. Told him I was this guy's cousin and the blood drained from his face . He let me go then
The girls used to get plastered on vodka before their act, then despise the blokes that paid a fiver to get a photo with them with their tits out.

Blackpool in a nutshell tbf
Shiny on the outside.
Dark and messy underneath .

I went out with Paddy who worked in our local takeaway there. Didn't dare say no. He was on the run from Dublin for GBH.
He was a perfect gentleman in fairness. We didn't have a lot in common , mind
Still gave me extra free poppadoms, even after I'd (very subtly) made him dump me .
Though dating an on the run crim felt a little bit dangerous . Which was, if I'm being perfectly honest......probably part of the reason I said yes at the time🤣
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