Do you want to build wealth in the stock market? Listen up.

Building a portfolio for investing success. Class 101.

// A Thread //
Building a strong portfolio is not much different than building a sturdy house.

There are multiple aspects of a portfolio that each play their own important role.

If you build from the top down, the house/portfolio might collapse.

Always build from the bottom up.

Start with a foundation. A foundation supports everything that is built upon it.

It's the starting point of a strong house and a strong portfolio.

In your portfolio, these are your "blue chips".

What are some examples of blue chips?

These are the most dominant businesses on the planet.

You can sleep well at night holding them.

They won't make you rich, but they will steadily grow over time.

Look at companies like:


Make these 50-60% of your portfolio.

On top of this foundation, a house has its secondary structures - its walls and roof.

In your portfolio, these are your high growth stocks.

These are more volatile, but the upside is higher. Your foundation stocks help you stomach the volatility.

Some high growth stocks I like are:


Make these 30%-40% of your portfolio.

Now you have injected upside into your portfolio. And because they are complementary to your foundation, the ups and downs are much easier to stomach.

Lastly, we have the furnishings for a house. The "fun stuff" like paint, decorations, etc.

In your portfolio, this is the speculative stuff.

Everyone loves to gravitate towards the lottery ticket stocks, hoping to get "rich".

But they often lose money.
I won't name any specific stocks here, but speculative stuff would include:

- Under $1B market cap
- Companies that are pre-revenue
- Very new industries such as cannabis or space travel.

Keep this stuff at 10% or LESS of your portfolio.
A portfolio constructed in this manner using quality stocks will make money, I guarantee it.

The next question becomes, how do I identify the RIGHT stocks to own?

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