And by the way, this will only fail because Democrats control the House and there’s currently a pro-democracy Senate majority (all the Dems plus the Republicans who’ve recognized Biden as the winner - Collins, Murkowski, Romney, Sasse, Toomey, and whoever else I’m missing)
But what happens if Republicans win the House in 2022, which they’re currently favored to do? What happens if the pro-democracy forces in the Senate shrink in 2022? Is there any doubt that a Republican Congress will manufacture a reason to reject the 2024 winner if it’s a Dem?
There are two paths out of this:

1) Win the Senate races in Georgia and pass democratic reforms that will reduce the chances of election theft

2) Focus all of our time, energy, and resources on making sure Democrats win the ‘22 midterms, which loom as an existential election.
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