Top 3 Types of Anxiety;

Number 3 is hardest to fix.
Anxiety is a form of chronic pain the brain creates to address complex problems.

It provides the basic awareness & motivation to face the problem, but understanding it is still on us.

Each will be unique, ofc, but the top 3 types include:

1. Judgement is the idea that some people are “good,” & some people are “bad.”

If you absorb this idea then you’ll have a type of self-conscious, social, anxiety around being seen as “bad.”

You’ll try too hard to impress people, & you’ll be too hard on yourself if you don’t.
You’ll misinterpret others & think they hate you for no reason.

You’ll decide they don’t like you bc they’re “bad” & that makes you feel better.

You now treat them badly, & when they push back you get more offended.

But you think about them 100x more than they think about you.
2. Overstimulation causes anxiety bc you get so used to mindless distraction that normal life feels unbearably boring.

You’re always looking for the next explosion, next punchline, next set of fake boobs.

You end up like a strung-out junkie, desperate for the next dopamine hit.
Binge eating, binge scrolling, binge watching, etc, overwhelms your brain’s pleasure center & leaves a gaping hole that only more binging can fill.

But you can’t binge forever.

What goes up, must come down. & when you do there’s always a painfully unsatisfying reality waiting.
3. Neglect’s the worst cause of anxiety bc it comes from the body.

Maybe you weren’t taught the importance of taking care of yourself, or you weren’t taught that you’re important enough to take care of.

Either way—don’t practice good physical self-care & there’s a price to pay.
All that lack of sleep, water, movement & nutrition will ultimately catch up to you.

Your body’s default state will be stressed. & when the body is stressed, the mind is stressed.

No amount of medication, meditation, or rest, will bring you peace if you don’t cover the basics.
Anxiety, like most chronic disorders, is a complex problem with complex causes.

The technical diagnosis involves checking off a list of symptoms that tell us nothing about sources.

If you aren’t satisfied with empty labels and endless treatment, you’ll have to do some digging.
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