Let's do a tree thread. I want to see everyone's decorations.
Here is mine:
Miss J hates green trees. We had an incident in Portland with a crow and a pine tree. So I got a silver one so she wouldnt be afraid of it.
I love vintage glass ornaments, nut ornaments, and little wood ones. Here are some of my favorites:
I found this one on etsy. My gram had the same one:
There is this cutey which is a vintage Russian ornament:
This is my nativity. For a while my mom would get us all ornaments for presents because when we were adults she wanted us to be able to have decorations for the tree already.This is one of a set. They are inside a half of a walnut shell:
Another Walnut one:
I love this flying cow:
I have a couple of moons and ghosts. All trees need a pickle, a moon, and a ghost.
My little cactus dude:
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