#meltdowns from the perspective of an #ActuallyAutistic adult 🙋🏻‍♀️



CW/ TW: Swearing (a lot..) self-injury/ self-harm. ED.
1. It’s NOT a meltdown

Trump throwing a fit is HARDLY a meltdown. It’s a tantrum.


A key difference to remember is that tantrums usually have a purpose.

Meltdowns are a reaction to something; they're usually beyond anyone’s control. 🤦🏻‍♀️
2. Tantrums vs. Meltdowns
Here’s a visual reference.
3. Meltdowns

#Autistic people in an overwhelming environment are 9 times out of 10 going to have a meltdown. ⭐️

{Not ALL do...but MANY.}

Shit..we are NOT exactly the same.

👏🏻 Everyone 👏🏻 requires 👏🏻 different 👏🏻 levels 👏🏻 of 👏🏻 support. 👏🏻
4. My {short} Story- 🙋🏻‍♀️

I’m #ActuallyAutistic
I was diagnosed in my early 30’s.
I was MISDIAGNOSED for many years.

Many #Autistic women were diagnosed Bipolar.
Many #Autistic men were diagnosed Schizophrenic.

Diagnosing #Autism was harder because they didn’t KNOW much.
5. Thanks Hollywood! ❌

The criteria for diagnosis were very limited. This was the 1980’s...

Oh yeah...I forgot. Thanks a lot Hollywood. After they came out with fucking RAINMAN, that was the trademark comparison.

My brother was NOT fucking Raymond Babbitt. 🙅🏻‍♀️
6. Comparison-

Dan and I are very different.

He’s a man and well, I’m not. He’s tall and I’m short. He has blue-grey eyes and mine are hazel. Dan’s quiet and I’m loud as hell.

As a child, Dan cried A LOT.
He didn’t talk a lot. When he did, it was usually #echolalia
7. Dan’s meltdowns

Dan’s #meltdowns were fucking tragic.

That’s the ONLY way I can describe them. Why?
It’s how I REMEMBER them.

He would hit himself with his fist clenched. He would bang his head on walls, floors...cement. He writhed in pain, almost as if he were on FIRE!
8. Dan’s Meltdowns cont...

I remember my mother would always panic. My Dad tried to stay calm.
I always tried to help him.

My mom would usually shove me aside and make a big scene.🤦🏻‍♀️

They didn’t last long.
We had NO warning; they would come about as strangely as they left.
9. My meltdowns 🤦🏻‍♀️

Mine were different than Dan’s.

I didn’t injure myself until I was an adult. I started to cut myself in my 20’s but stopped in my 30’s. 😢

I was anorexic and bulimic from about the age of 12 until I was about 37. I used this as some means of control.
10. Control ⭐️

That was really it.
For me...control was a HUGE thing.

They tried every damn drug on the fucking planet on me. Lithium made me feel like I wasn’t even alive.

I KNEW I wasn’t bipolar.

I couldn’t control the whirlwind that was my adolescence.
11. Meltdown in a nutshell

🤷🏻‍♀️ Frustration, anxiety, stress, upset, and depression: they ALL can lead to an emotional eruption, or simply, a “meltdown.”

You feel so emotionally overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings that you can no longer control them or hide them.
12. In conclusion -
13. Meltdown vs. Tantrum, here’s how to remember
14. The End

Let’s wrap this shit up here.

#AllAutistics are unique. 💙
We don’t meltdown for the same reasons. 🧨

Life is hard enough being judged by people who aren’t even fucking CLOSE to having their OWN shit together. 👏🏻

The End
15. Before I forget! 🙋🏻‍♀️

Please leave your comments. I welcome your feedback. I will not, however, argue with trolls or antivaxx idiots.

And if you found this helpful, please RETWEET the SHIT out of this!! 💙

Thank you reading this thread! 🦃
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