There’s zero reason at this point to assume the Republican Party collapses or that democracy in America has been saved. None. Be wary of liberals & moderates who continue to claim that the courts handing Trump a temporary defeat signals all is well... 1/
We’re only here b/c of enormous effort put in by many ppl to prevent a coup, including overcoming relentless efforts by GOP to prevent an election from occurring in the first place. Had turnout not been overwhelming, had results been close, things would be different right now 2/
GOP shows no indication of retreating from its push toward a fascist takeover of the gov’t. Now we’re seeing the militant wing of the movement show itself most forcefully since 2017 in VA, with a month still to go until the inauguration of a president they don’t acknowledge 3/
Meanwhile the neoliberal bipartisan establishment—which has been weakened by the majority of Republicans abandoning bipartisanship altogether in favor of full blown fascism—has spent the post-election period attacking the left & civil rights mvmt more than the far right GOP. 4/
So, no— Anyone saying Trump has been defeated or who’s laughing at the white supremacists terrorizing churches or claiming this is over belongs to the camp of folks who repeatedly say “I never thought this could happen in America.” Ignore them b/c they’ll get us all killed. 5/5
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