Been watching this show “alone” w my wife. Definitely some lessons in here.

1. If it’s too difficult. Completely nightmare & no hope, people tap out. Naturally.

2. If it’s too easy, no difficulty, people tap out. They have all their needs but want companionship. (Continued)
Makes me think - loneliness is interesting. Feels like it’s felt most when our needs are met.

Makes sense evolutionarily, too. Caring for a child comes AFTER caring for self

If there’s a healthy amount of struggle, people seem to keep going. Too much or too little breaks people
In college I read victor frankils “mans search for meaning” - documenting him living in concentration camps. He was saying SEX was not on anyone’s mind bc survival was such a prevailing need. As in, sexuality & reproduction isn’t in our psyche until needs are met...
If that’s true, then our sex obsessed culture is for sure a testimony of our abundance and comfort.

we need... food (in excess, to the point that obesity is an epidemic).

We have an infatuation w sex & we are the most connected but lonely & sad ppl in history. 🤔
Conclusion... a healthy amount of struggle seems to be good.

What y’all think.
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