2. It must be noted that the the US also makes supersoldiers under Monarch mind control programme and MK Ultra - the likes of Mengele, John Brennan, Aquino involved, but I will keep this thread on China, a mish mash of China articles, just to keep them together for research.
3. This thread has much on China https://twitter.com/hongkongnewera/status/1328022095121555456
6. Nottingham University has had links to China for 40 years at least and now has a campus there that gives University of Nottingham Degrees https://web.archive.org/web/20201125052736/https://www.nottingham.edu.cn/en/index.aspx #nottingham #china
7. China links with Nottingham were and are often on Genetic modification. Don Grierson was one of the pioneers of GM Food and he is now at Zhejiang University. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Grierson_(geneticist)
14. But are 5 eyes already corrupted too much? Who do our "intelligence" organisations really work for? #5EY
15. https://twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1338504480044675073
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